From the photonic plugin author: I asked if I can disable photonic’s actions on the homepage only, answer is no (see in quotes below). In that case is it possible to disable the flex-slider on the Integral side to see if that resolves the doubled lightbox issue on the homepage grid gallery? The reason is the photonic plugin is free, well supported, and excellent at serving files hosted on image sites like google photos, smugmug, flickr, etc. I plan to lean on it heavily for future blog posts and project portfolios… so I’d like to find a solution for the conflict.
“The short answer to your question is no, you cannot disable Photonic on a specific page.
At this point I am seeing a slew of JS errors on your site due to jQuery going missing. I am not sure if this is a problem with your site, or if it is because of my trying this from China (it looks like the whole WP CDN is blocked out here). As a result I am not able to troubleshoot this successfully, however I will be back in the US on Sunday and I can take a look then.
In the meanwhile here are some pointers: Photonic will not disable another plugin’s lightboxes; the only thing you can do is disable Photonic’s own scripts. By default Photonic does not target non-Photonic galleries. So if you have got a gallery or slider from a different plugin Photnic will not touch it. It looks like on your site you have FlexSlider and Master Slider (apart from Photonic), so it is possible that those are conflicting internally.”