Yes, that is what I ended up doing. I still am getting several JS errors in the console. Sporadic things, like jQuery throwing undefined reference to $ in the admin customizer when I changed the number of widget sections in the features section. Clicking publish and refreshing saves the change. Do you know why we would be getting the 404’s for missing files in the inc/kirki folder then? The full path was to wp-content/themes/serenity-pro-child/inc/kirki/assets/vendor/selectWoo/kirki.css, etc

Thanks and love the theme by the way. We have been using Elegant Themes Divi for a very long time but its becoming very complex to use and manage so I branched out and found yours. Way simpler to use and I think we are getting better results and cleaner UI for client edits. I am probably going to start using this theme as the base for all of our other projects that are coming up. Excellent work.

Edit: Man, I just realized I created this thread in the wrong forum. If you can move it and feel free to do so – my apologies.