Change in team members appearance after pro upgrade

  • Hi. I purchased Integral Pro, installed the theme and switched. In the pro version, the team member images zoom on hover, which is different from the free version (static). I prefer the static behavior– is there an easy way to override this?


    After poking around a bit, it looks like the hover effect is due to a difference in the function definition in the our team widget.

    I can modify the widget, but this will be lost in any theme upgrade. I’m looking for a more elegant (and stable) solution.



    That effect appears on blog post featured images as well.

    If you want to disable completely, edit the themes style.css file and remove all references to it.

    On line 110 you will see


    That is what controls that effect.

    Thanks, Hans. How can I do this without editing the style.css file so the change persists if there is a theme update?

    If you disable the hover effect when CSS in the Custom Code section, it will not get overridden when you upgrade.

    This actually didn’t work out as I hoped– overriding that specific line disabled the circle effect, disabling others eliminated the hover and left the circle, but still left some odd handling of different sized images.

    I wound up using a child theme, copying our_team_widget.php into functions.php, and editing it to define a new widget with a different name and a different class for the image (matching the definition in the free version of integral). I then used the new widget instead of the original team member widget, which leaves the hover effect intact for other parts of the theme.

    It might be nice to be able to toggle the hover effect in future releases– I personally think that the look is a lot cleaner without the hover for team members, but this is subjective.

    Yes what you did works. I edited the widget file located in /inc/widgets/. The file is our_team_widget.php.

    You can download here

    You can install the child theme, create a directory /inc/widgets/ and drop that file in.

    That will ensure your changes don’t get over-written in future updates.

    We will probably add a toggle to enable/disable this feature in future releases.

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