Controlling the blog page

  • Hello,

    i run into difficulties whith my blog page.

    a) there is a sign shown that indicates “read more” to me (“[…]”), but if i klick on it nothing happens. My expectation is, that clicking on it links me to the blog post. I estimate that as regular behavior.
    b) it looks like the the “read more” sign appears automatically after a certain amount of text. Can i control the amount of text somewhere ?
    c) if i try to control the “read more” explicitly inside WP editor by the more-tag or a more-block, the no “[…]” is shown after the first amount of text. So the reader is not indicated that more text will follow.
    d) if i click onto e keyword inside my heat map, above all posts it says “Archives”. That does not fit my language. Any hint for me how to change that ?

    I know, a lot of questions, but all this unfortunately prohibits me to set my page online.

    BR Chris

    i fixed d) by my self as this was obviously an error in the language file.

    BR Chris

    Hello Chris,

    It isn’t an error in the language file.

    All the text in the archives.php file is correctly escaped for translations.

    You can either change it manually in the file or using a multi-lingual plugin.

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