Tagline not appears on Title Bar

  • Hello,

    First, thanks for making a great theme!

    I have a problem where my tagline not appears on browser title bar.
    I set it to show my static page >> Front page: Home, Post page: Blog.

    In browser title bar, it only show “Home – Site Name” not “Site Name – Tagline” like in demo. But if I set it to show my latest post, the tagline show properly.

    Thank you for your help,

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by eljuno. Reason: fix typo


    Yes that is because you are setting a page as the default home page.

    I would recommend installing WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin in order to set the tagline’s for all your pages.


    Hi! Thanks for your reply. 🙂

    That’s weird, since in Setup Parallel to configure homepage is by creating page with one-page template and set it like I describe above. But why in demo, the front page display tagline properly?

    Thanks for the tip! I’d install Yoast SEO but have no idea about doing that. Can you give me right direction? Already found it. 🙂

    THank you,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by eljuno.

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