Unable to Edit Gallery in Single Project Widget

  • Since upgrading to WordPress 4.9.6 I can no longer permanently edit the gallery in the Single Project Widget.
    I can add photos to the gallery and on exist the widget is showing the new photos but the Save button is greyed out as Saved.
    On moving to a new screen and retuning to the widgets page the update is lost.


    Someone else just mentioned this issue.

    Maybe it’s an issue with the them conflicting with the latest issue of WordPress.

    Can you provide me with access to the Admin Dashboard so I can log in and have a look?

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    Hello @scannan

    I will also need the link to your website.

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    I uploaded an image to the last Widget in the Single Projects section. In order to save the Widget I entered a # sign in the Project Link field, clicked save, deleted the # then clicked save again.

    It seems to be an issue with the latest version of WordPress so we will need to update our theme which we will be doing this week.

    But you can use the solution above as an alternative until then.

    Many thanks for your speedy response in providing a work-around.

    You’re welcome.

    We are working on fixing this issue as we speak.

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