Using grid project widget in Extra 1/2 Section

  • Hello,

    On my website, I have used the Homepage Projects Grid Section to list a selection of my projects. I also wanted to have another homepage projects section to list a selection of my publications. Since you can’t have two homepage projects sections, I used the Extra 1 section with three Grid Project Widgets. This sort of works, but the formatting of the header and description is different than when the widget is user in the Homepage Projects Grid Section: the header and description text is sized and justified differently; and there is not line separator.


    I suspect this might require some kind of custom code? Or is there an easier solution?

    Scott Rodgers

    Hello Scott,

    Yes you can edit the extra1.php file located in the sections folder.

    On line 14 change the class extra1 to projects-grid.

    To do this go to Appearance > Editor and select the sections folder then the extra1.php file.

    Excellent! Thanks Hans, I have made the suggested edit to line 14 of extra1.php file (located in the sections folder for the parent theme, Integral Pro) and it worked perfectly.

    Very best,

    Hey Scott,

    You’re welcome! 🙂

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